Monday, December 8, 2008

more looks forward?

A few bright spots on a black day:

During the week that some of us were in a tryptophan and beaujolais noveau coma (okay, just our family), I collected a few spots of hope re journalism as we may know it. Click and learn:

From Jeremy:

From Alice:

From Chad:

Meanwhile, got this email from Jack today, who wrote: " Just wanted to pass along a link of an investigation my fellow database colleague was working on for 8 months, a project that runs today and tomorrow. Lots of data to pinpoint specific problems. Makes me wonder if partnering with universities to assist with high-level data would be good for newspapers as they find their post-modern Internet niche.

Which is interesting, considering this.

And finally, let's look at this about politico.

Yes, I'm making you work. Linx: not just a clever name. bk

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