This just in from Jessica Silliman, a former j-stoner (that's journalism capstone student to the rest of you), now in her second year with Teach For America in Denver. She currently teaches middle school reading and has started a journalism program at her school. (photo credit: jessica silliman)
"The DNC has invaded our city. From road closures to celebrity sightings, the convention is the buzz of the town. It's quite the party, but unfortunately the Pepsi Center is packed nightly with three-piece suits and crazy button-clad delegates. Denverites are forced to peer in from the distance—from across barricades, behind police lines and below sniper fire.
I managed (by accident, I'm sure) to secure a credential to see Monday night's convention festivities, headlined by Michelle Obama. I just watched the YouTube video of her speech to relive the moment and catch lines I missed by the roaring crowd last night. She was electrifying and the replay doesn't do it justice. She brought tears to the packed house. Many likened her speech to Barack circa 2004. If all George Stephanopoulos can complain about is the "kitschy" stage, I'd say it's a great start."
I think Jessica is cool.
Oddly, I live in Denver now, and will be contacting Jessica in approx. three minutes via facebook to explore the possibility of her writing a Teach for America dispatch for Westword's blog. Making connections already, BBK.
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